Sunday, April 10, 2011

Caprice Gets Ready!

La Paz!
April 4th, 2011

Dan is in La Paz and reports that Caprice is indeed not only there but looking so much better than when he and Tom left her on February 6th, 2011. Although he is greeted by temperatures in the 90’s outside and over 110 inside Caprice, he survives the night and is spotted this morning sipping a latte at the CostaBaja internet cafĂ© and regaling his crew and family still at home with tales of Caprice!

This morning he and Abel go over the “punch list” for the remainder of the work to be done on Caprice and he feels very positive about her launching by the end of the week! Dan is living aboard Caprice “on the hard” waiting launching. Although not as accommodating as she is in the water, Dan feels he should keep a close eye on the final work on Caprice.

Enrique is in the air as I write this on his way to La Paz and Tom departs on Thursday. Enrique will base at a timeshare in La Paz while awaiting Caprice’s launching and Tom’s arrival is hopefully timed for launch day.

Stay tuned… excitement is in the air as Caprice gets ready for the journey home!

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About Me

1291 Sanderling Island, Pt. Richmond, CA 94801, United States
Dan and Carol Seifers


Crazy Caprice, or what

Like is so good to us. At 65, after 15 years of retirement, my wife, Carol and I have everything one could want Good health (for old folks), loving children ( one son and his wife Jenny is marvelous), wonderful grandchildren (one age 6 and one age 4, who have a remarkable ability to totally exhaust us in about 4 - 6 hours), a good home. Wonderful friends. What more could one want?

Then we were casually cruising in the Delta ( area between Sacramento and San Francisco) last summer with the Richmond Yacht Club Cruising Group. Life was serene, life was comfortable, and then it happened - WHAM - we saw a cruising catamaran tied up at the Rio Vista marina with a sign in the window which listed its adventures. Starting in Australia, across to New Zealand, up to Tahiti, over to Hawaii and on the the West Coast. What an adventure!!! That’s when Carol started thinking about the possibility of buying a new boat (we already had a Gemini 34’ cruising catamaran - life was good). Then sailing in Sydney basin for a few months, then either shipping it to California or sailing it across the South Pacific to California. Is she CRAZY?

That started our CRAZY file.

Over the next few months, she started feeding me articles about Australia, New Zealand, and multihulls. She even subscribed to Multihull magazine and would place various articles about sailing in the South Pacific under my nose while I was reading the morning paper.
She became obcessed. A devil (Tasmanian?) had her. Then around Christmas time, the bug really bit me. We were perfectly happy with our boat, but the idea of getting a new one (with all the new toys) and visiting “down under” seemed very appealling. A friend loaned me all his books on New Zealand and Australia, and the more read, the more I becaume enthralled with the idea